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Number of items: 45.

Journal Article

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Bošković, Stefan (2024) Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy Positioning towards Russia and its Impact on the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: A Hedging Strategy. The Review of International Affairs, LXXV (1190). pp. 55-82.

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2024) Legal Dynamics in EU-Ukraine Relations: Strengthened Support on the Journey from the Eastern Partnership Country to the EU Candidate Country in the Context of Russian Invasion. EU and comparative law issues and challenges series, 8. pp. 295-330. ISSN 2459-9425

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2023) Refleksija rata u Ukrajini na odnose EU i Rusije i dinamiku Istočnog partnerstva. Međunarodna politika, LXXIV (1188). pp. 121-144. ISSN 0543-3657

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2023) Serbia’s approach to the EU and Russia – Implications for its internal and foreign policy. Međunarodni problemi, LXXV (1). pp. 39-64. ISSN 0025-8555

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2022) The role of Turkey in the second Armenian-Azerbaijani armed conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh as a reflection of continuity and change in its foreign policy. Međunarodni problemi=International Problems, LXXIV (1). pp. 29-49. ISSN 0025-855

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2020) Inicijativa Evropske unije za saradnju sa susedima u Istočnoj Evropi i Južnom Kavkazu: ciljevi, ograničenja i izazovi politike integracije bez članstva. Međunarodni problemi, LXXII (2). pp. 404-426. ISSN 0025-8555

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Kuvekalović-Stamatović, Jovanka (2020) Permanent Neutrality of the Republic of Moldova - Strategy for Survival Between Russia and NATO? The Review of International Affairs, LXXI (1179). pp. 21-53. ISSN 0486-6096

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2018) Razvoj i posledice ukrajinske krize. Međunarodna politika, LXIX (1172). pp. 27-51. ISSN 0543-3657

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja (2016) Spoljna energetska politika Evropske unije. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, XV (55). pp. 158-170. ISSN 1451-3188

Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2015) Memorandum o razumevanju o prodaji falsifikovane robe preko Interneta. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, XIII (51). pp. 206-217. ISSN 1451-3188

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2014) Saradnja Ruske Federacije i NATO u oblasti evropske bezbednosti. Međunarodni problemi, LXVI (3-4). pp. 283-304. ISSN 0025-8555

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2014) Sistem energetske bezbednosti Evropske unije: pozicioniranje Srbije. Međunarodna politika, LXV (1155-1156). pp. 129-149. ISSN 0543-3657

Lađevac, Ivona and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2013) Prilagođavanje konzularnog prava Republike Srbije standardima Evropske unije. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, XII (45-46). pp. 89-98. ISSN 1451-3188

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2013) Zamrznuti sukobi i pregovarački procesi u regionu Južnog Kavkaza. Međunarodna politika, LXIV (1152). pp. 55-73. ISSN 0543-3657

Nikolić, Marko and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2012) Institutional Forms of Contemporary Ecumenical Dialogue. The Review of International Affairs, LXIII (1146). pp. 50-69. ISSN 0543-3657

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2012) Odnosi u trouglu SAD-EU-Rusija i njihov uticaj na globalne međunarodne odnose. Međunarodni problemi, LXIV (3). pp. 303-325. ISSN 0025-8555

Nikolić, Marko and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2012) Relations of Roman Catholic (RCC) and Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) after the Second Vatican Council. Studia Europaea, LVII (1). pp. 101-127. ISSN 1224-8746

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Jazić, Aleksandar (2011) Problem Nagorno Karabah u svetlu bilateralnih odnosa članica Minsk grupe OEBS-a. Međunarodni problemi, LXIII (4). pp. 583-612. ISSN 0025-8555

Book Chapter

Trapara, Vladimir and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2024) U.S. Concept of a “Rules-Based Order” and Its Discontents: Is There a Credible Alternative? In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 153-174. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2023) The Russian Federation’s Approach to the Unresolved Dniester Conflict and Its Implications for the Security and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Moldova. In: The Armed Conflict of the Dniester: Three Decades Later. South-East European History, 3 . Peter Lang Publishing Inc., New York, USA, pp. 143-167. ISBN 9781636672502

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2022) The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Its Relations with Serbia. In: International Organizations: Serbia and Contemporary World. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Philosophy of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Belgrade; Skopje, pp. 38-55. ISBN 978-86-7067-306-9

Lađevac, Ivona and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2022) The pandemic and connectivity between China and Europe. In: The Connectivity Cooperation Between China and Europe: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis. Routledge, London, pp. 72-86. ISBN 978-1-003-28327-0

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2021) The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on NATO. In: International Organizations and States' Response to COVID-19. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Beograd, pp. 145-161. ISBN 978-86-7067-291-8

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja (2021) Evropska unija i pandemijа virusa Kovid 19 — neposredni odgovor i dugoročne mere za prilagođavanje budućim krizama. In: Rаzvојni prаvci Еvrоpskе uniје nаkоn pаndемiје KОVID 19. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 93-120. ISBN 978-86-7067-289-5

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2021) Redefining Russia-European Union Relations — Is It Possible to Overcome a Deep Crisis? In: Europe in changes: The old continent at a new crossroads. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade; Faculty of Security Studies at the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, pp. 215-235. ISBN 978-86-7067-282-6

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2021) The Second Armed Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh – Causes and Implications. In: Convergence and Confrontation: The Balkans and the Middle East in the 21st Century. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 211-240. ISBN 978-86-7067-293-2

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2020) Alignment of the Republic of Serbia with Common Foreign, Security and Defense Policy of the EU: Obligations, Achievements, and Challenges. In: Security challenges and the place of the Balkans and Serbia in a changing world. Institute of International Politics аnd Economics, Belgrade, pp. 310-330. ISBN 978-86-7067-275-8

Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2020) Ekonomske posledice COVID-19 i mere podrške privredi Republike Srbije. In: Zarazne bolesti kao globalni bezbednosni izazov – Pandemija COVID-19: stvarnost i posledice. Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti : Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 94-118. ISBN 978-86-80144-44-3

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2019) "Blisko inostranstvo" u integracionim inicijativama Ruske Federacije: slučaj Evroazije ekonomske unije. In: Integracioni procesi u Evroaziji. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 253-285. ISBN 978-86-7067-270-3

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2019) Kontroverze politike SAD prema Kini u Trampovoj eri. In: Kontroverze spoljne politike SAD i međunarodnih odnosa u Trampovoj eri. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 132-165. ISBN 978-86-7067-268-0

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2018) Odnosi Srbije i Rusije – uticaj na međunarodni položaj naše zemlje. In: Srbija i svet u 2017. godini. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 173-196. ISBN 978-86-7067-250-5

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2017) Ukranian Crisis as a Security Challenge of the Contemporary World. In: Proceedings of Round Table Conference "Social and Economic Problems and Challenges in Contemporary World", Belgrade, September 12, 2016. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Doshisha University, Global Resource Management, Belgrade, pp. 112-141. ISBN 978-86-7067-236-9

Lađevac, Ivona and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2015) Reinterpretation of Japan’s Constitution. In: Proceedings of Round Table Conference Major International Issues in the 21st Century from a Perspective of Japan and Europe, September 15, 2014. Global Resource Management Program, Doshisha University; Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 23-36. ISBN 978-86-7067-211-6

Lađevac, Ivona and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2014) Territorial disputes in the South China Sea or the USA/China rebalance of power. In: Regionalism and Reconciliation. Belgrade; Doshisa, Institute of International Politics and Economics; Global Resource Management Program, pp. 46-55. ISBN 978-86-7067-210-9

Lađevac, Ivona and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2014) Zaštita ljudskih prava – preduslov za članstvo u EU. In: Evropska unija i Zapadni Balkan-izazovi i perspektive : zbornik radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije Beograd, 20-21. jun 2013. godine. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 255-269. ISBN 978-86-7067-195-9

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Nikolić, Marko (2013) The Importance of Energy Security in the Relations of the European Union and Russia. In: Energy security of Europe: The Position of Serbia. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 64-82. ISBN 978-86-7067-176-8

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2013) Northern Dimension as a Framework for Cooperation in the Region of Northern Europe. In: Challenges of the 21st Century and the Region : proceedings of the round table conference, 11 September 2012, Belgrade. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 118-130. ISBN 978-86-7067-190-4

Nikolić, Marko and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2013) Political Impact and “Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC)” in Former Yugoslavia. In: National and European Identity in the Process of European Integration : Thematic Proceedings. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 570-583. ISBN 978‐86‐7067‐180‐5

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Lađevac, Ivona (2013) Strateški pravci razvoja i politike Srbije u međunarodnim odnosima – kontekst saradnje sa Ruskom Federacijom i Evropskom unijom. In: Strateški pravci razvoja i utvrđivanja položaja Srbije u savremenim međunarodnim odnosima. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 137-157. ISBN 978-86-7067-194-2

Nikolić, Marko and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2012) Contemporary relations between the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and the Serbian Orthodox Church. In: Western Balkans: From Stabilization to Integration. Institute for International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 404-425. ISBN 978-86-7067-160-7

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Nikolić, Marko (2012) The Position of the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation after the Enlargement of the European Union. In: The meaning of borders and border issues in the age of globalization : Europe and Asia. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 39-53. ISBN 978-86-7067-166-9

Jović-Lazić, Ana (2012) Zajednička spoljna i bezbednosna politika EU i Rusija. In: Spoljna politika Srbije i zajednička spoljna i bezbednosna politika EU : zbornik radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije Usklađivanje spoljne politike Srbije sa zajedničkom spoljnom i bezbednosnom politikom Evropske unije, Beograd, 10-11. oktobar 2011. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 536-563. ISBN 978-86-7067-171-3

Jović-Lazić, Ana and Nikolić, Marko (2011) Saradnja Republike Srbije sa Organizacijom za obrazovanje nauku i kulturu (UNESKO). In: Uloga i mesto Srbije u međunarodnim organizacijama : zbornik radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije : Beograd, 12-13. oktobar 2010. godine. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 296-318. ISBN 978-86-7067-158-4


Jović-Lazić, Ana (2015) Odnosi između Evropske unije i Ruske Federacije: kraj XX i početak XXI veka. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-214-7

Lađevac, Ivona and Đurđević-Lukić, Svetlana and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2010) Međunarodno prisustvo na Kosovu i Metohiji 1999-2009. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-130-0

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