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Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) North Macedonia Security Threats in the Third Decade of XXI Century: Institutional and Political Framework as a Key Determinant of Instability. In: Changing Strategic Security Landscape in the Black Sea and the Balkans: Challenges and Opportunities : Proceedings. Arel USAM, Istanbul, pp. 53-61. ISBN 978-625-99707-5-2
Arnaudov, Mitko and Hadžić, Nikola (2024) Uloga Radne zajednice/Saveza Alpe-Jadran na postjugoslovenskom prostoru. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (85). pp. 135-150. ISSN 1451-3188
Arnaudov, Mitko and Manojlović, Marija and Hadžić, Nikola (2024) Uloga Srpske pravoslavne crkve u regionalnom političkom delovanju Republike Srbije. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (86). pp. 127-139. ISSN 1451-3188
Arnaudov, Mitko and Pajić, Nataša (2024) EU and Chinese Interests at the Western Balkans Crossroads: Economic Challengers or Political and Security Competitors. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 345-374. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Babić, Danilo (2024) Jagma za Podsaharsku Afriku u XX i XXI veku. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-325-0
Baltezarević, Ivana and Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Comprehending subconscious consumer behavior in the digital age via neuromarketing. In: 9. International Scientific Research and Innovation Congress. IKSAD Publications, Venedik, pp. 299-310. ISBN 978-625-367-865-4
Baltezarević, Ivana and Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Nonverbal communication's usefulness in political campaigns. In: 5. Bilsel International Sumela Scientific Researches Congress. BILSEL PUBLISHING, Trabzon, pp. 898-905. ISBN 978-625-95275-4-3
Baltezarević, Ivana and Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) The Role of Mixed Reality in the Education Sector. Baština, 34 (62). pp. 471-479. ISSN 0353-9008
Baltezarević, Ivana and Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Threats to cybersecurity in the internet of things (IoT) era. In: 3. Bilsel International Kibyra Scientific Researches Congress. Astana publications, Burdu, pp. 503-511. ISBN 978-625-6125-24-7
Baltezarević, Ivana and Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) The effect of new technology on improving student motivation in the learning process. In: 5. International Mediterranean Congress, Mersin, Türkiye, 13-14 January. IKSAD Institute, pp. 677-681. ISBN 978-1-955094-92-4
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Corruption as a barrier to international trade. In: 10th International Black Sea Coastline Countries Scientific Research Conference, Samsun, Turkiye, 7-9 April, 2024. IKSAD Publications, pp. 220-225. ISBN 978-625-367-700-8
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Cybercrime as an essential impediment to international trade. In: 3. International Selçuk Scientific Research Congress, Konya, Turkey, 17-18 February, 2024. ISARC International Science And Art Research Center, pp. 453-459. ISBN 978-625-367-649-0
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Economic diplomacy in the era of globalization. In: 5. International Mediterranean Congress, Mersin, Türkiye, 13-14 January. IKSAD Institute, pp. 61-64. ISBN 978-1-955094-92-4
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Efekti imerzivnih tehnologija na globalnu ekonomiju. Baština, 34 (63). pp. 261-273. ISSN 0353-9008
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Fear of missing out (FOMO) as an effect influencing consumer purchase decisions. In: 3. Bilsel International Aspendos Scientific Researches Congress. Astana publications, Antalya, pp. 617-623. ISBN 978-625-6125-22-3
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Global economic effects of fake news. In: 10th International Black Sea Coastline Countries Scientific Research Conference, Samsun, Turkiye, 7-9 April, 2024. IKSAD Publications, pp. 460-466. ISBN 978-625-367-700-8
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Green innovations as a path towards a more sustainable global economy. In: Bilsel, 1. Bilsel International Korykos Scientific Researches And Innovation Congress, Mersin,Türkiye, 27-28 January, 2024. ASTANA PUBLICATIONS, pp. 348-354. ISBN 978-625-6501-58-4
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Legally Defining the Role of Influencers in Social Media Advertising. In: Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja / VIII međunarodni naučni skup Mediji, kazneno pravo i pravosuđe=Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / VIII international scientific thematic conference Media, penal law and judiciary. Institut za uporedno pravo ; Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, pp. 415-428. ISBN 978-86-82582-12-0
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Quantum computing's potential impact on the global economy. In: III. International Cankaya Scientific Studies Congress, Ankara, Türkiye, 28-29 February, 2024. IKSAD Publications, pp. 142-147. ISBN 978-625-8254-35-8
Baltezarević, Radoslav (2024) Space exploration's impact on economic growth. In: SILK ROAD 3. International Scientific Research Congress, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 6-8 March, 2024. IKSAD Publications, pp. 831-837. ISBN 978-625-367-663-6
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Borivoje and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Advantages of Digital Marketing in the World of Digital Games. International Review, 13 (1-2). pp. 69-76. ISSN 2217-9739
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Effects of in-game advertising on the world economy. In: 4th International Cankaya Scientific Studies Congress. IKSAD Publications, pp. 646-652. ISBN 978-625-8254-58-7
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Ensure Video Game Success with Digital Marketing. In: Digital Marketing : Analyzing its Transversal Impact. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 276-290. ISBN 9781003384960
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Essential advantages of a sustainable blue economy. In: Munzur International Scientific Research and Innovation Congress. UBAK Publications, pp. 144-150. ISBN 978-625-8151-21-3
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Malvertising: the use of malicious advertising to spread malware, and its negative effects on the world economy. In: Cukurova 13th International Scientific Researches Conference. IKSAD Publications, Adana, pp. 520-526. ISBN 978-625-367-852-4
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Social media impersonation as a cybersecurity threat. In: International Topkapi Congress. IKSAD Publications, Istanbul, pp. 288-293. ISBN 978-625-367-867-8
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) Students’ Attitudes on The Role of Artificial Intelligence (Ai) In Personalized Learning. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 12 (2). pp. 387-397. ISSN 2334-8496
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) The advantages of sentiment analysis driven by artificial intelligence (AI). In: 4th International Cankaya Scientific Studies Congress. IKSAD Publications, pp. 653-661. ISBN 978-625-8254-58-7
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) The experience economy: providing memorable experiences to customers. In: 13th Internatuional "Communication in the World" Congress. IKSAD Publications, Çanakkale, pp. 397-401. ISBN 978-625-367-866-1
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) The macroeconomic advantages of high-quality education. In: VII. International Halich Congress On Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, Istanbul, Türkiye, 23-25 January, 2024. İKSAD Publishing House, pp. 1676-1681. ISBN 978-625-367-639-1
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) The potential of AI influencers to modify the creator economy. In: 6th International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress. IKSAD Publications, Trabzon, pp. 8-13. ISBN 978-625-367-832-6
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) The role of political influencers in the contemporary political arena. In: 4. Bilsel International Çatalhöyük Scientific Researches Congress. BILSEL Publishing, Konya, pp. 948-955. ISBN 978-625-95275-5-0
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Baltezarević, Ivana (2024) The significance of data privacy in the digital economy. In: 4. Bilsel International Çatalhöyük Scientific Researches Congress. BILSEL Publishing, Konya, pp. 956-964. ISBN 978-625-95275-5-0
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja (2024) The importance of blockchain technology in international trade. In: 6th International Black Sea Modern Scientific Research Congress. IKSAD Publications, Trabzon, pp. 1-7. ISBN 978-625-367-832-6
Baltezarević, Radoslav and Kwiatek, Piotr (2024) The Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Electronic Word-of-Mouth's (eWOM) Efficacy. Baština, 34 (64). pp. 93-106. ISSN 0353-9008
Blagojević, Veljko (2024) Indo-Pacifik: arena sukoba za globalno liderstvo. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 45-63. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Czyżewski, Bazyli and Kryszak, Łukasz and Bajram, Egzon and Lucasenco, Eugenia and Muntean, Andreea and Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra (2024) What determines small farms’ succession patterns in Eastern European emerging markets? Exploring the role of embeddedness in social networks. International Journal of Emerging Markets. ISSN 1746-8809
Dabić, Dragana (2024) European Public Prosecutor as an impetus for further supranationalization of the European law and Politics. In: El orden jurídico internacional ante las vicisitudes del siglo XXI. Tirant lo Blanch España, Valencia, pp. 943-963. ISBN 978-84-1056-954-6
Dabić, Dragana (2024) Predlog Direktive o odgovornosti za veštačku inteligenciju. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (87-88). pp. 308-328. ISSN 1451-3188
Dabić, Dragana (2024) Predlog regulatornog okvira Evropske unije o veštačkoj inteligenciji. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (86). pp. 195-216. ISSN 1451-3188
Dabić, Dragana (2024) Predlozi za uspostavljanje regulatornog okvira veštačke inteligencije na međunarodnom planu. In: Tematski zbornik radova / Međunarodni naučni skup Dinamika savremenog pravnog poretka, 24. i 25. maja 2024. godine u Kosovskoj Mitrovici. Univerzitet u Prištini, Pravni fakultet; Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanjač; Institut za uporedno pravo, Kosovska Mitrovica; Beograd, pp. 171-188. ISBN 978-86-6083-095-3
Despotović, Ljubiša and Vukčević, Nemanja (2024) Political reminder : guided exploration through terms and ideas of power. Library Special editions . Arhives of Vojvodina; Belgorod State National Reserch University BelGU, Novi Sad; Belgorod. ISBN 978-86-6178-092-9
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Boundary disputes between the successor states of the SFR Yugoslavia in the Adriatic Sea. American Yearbook of International Law, 3. pp. 766-937. ISSN 2732-9925
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) International Legal Regulation and Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression. In: Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / XIII International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 8-9 November 2023. University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, pp. 34-55. ISBN 978-86-7020-512-3; 978-86-7020-190-3
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Princip dobrosusedstva u međunarodnom pravu. In: Pravo na pravdu – izazovi savremenog doba : zbornik radova 37. susreta Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava - Slobodan Perović, Kopaonik, 13. – 17. decembar 2024 : međunarodna naučna konferencija. Kopaonička škola prirodnog prava, Beograd, pp. 361-388. ISBN 978-86-81956-26-7
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Razvoj misija Ujedinjenih nacija u očuvanju međunarodnog mira i bezbednosti. In: Međunarodna naučna konferencija Međunarodni izazovi, zdravstvo i Bujanovačka Banja. Edicija Bezbednost u postmodernom ambijentu (40). Centar za strateška istraživanja nacionalne bezbednosti - CESNA B : Međunarodna Akademija Nauka, Umetnosti i Bezbednosti - MANUB; Univerzitet “Sveti Kiril i Metodij”, Beograd; Veliko Trnovo, pp. 19-33. ISBN 978-86-85985-53-9
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) The Role of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 17-44. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Self-defense against non-state actors. In: Современное международное право: проблемы и вызовы. Издательство Самарского университета, Самара, pp. 106-144. ISBN 978-5-7883-2061-8
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Unapređenje evropske ekonomske bezbednosti: uvod u pet novih inicijativa. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (85). pp. 77-92. ISSN 1451-3188
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Uredba Evropske unije o stranim subvencijama kojima se narušava unutrašnje tržište. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (86). pp. 47-66. ISSN 1451-3188
Dimitrijević, Duško (2024) Uredba Evropske unije o uspostavljanju okvira za obezbeđenje bezbednog i održivog snadbevanja kritičnim sirovinama. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (87-88). pp. 99-154. ISSN 1451-3188
Dujić, Ivan and Petrović, Rajko (2024) The Attitude of Latin American Countries towards Venezuela’s Dual Power Situation from 2019 to 2022. The Review of International Affairs, LXXV (1190). pp. 29-54. ISSN 0486-6096
Dunjić, Ivana (2024) Digitalni samit Zapadnog Balkana: ka delotvornom upravljanju procesom digitalizacije u regionu. Nacionalni interes, 49 (3). pp. 133-157. ISSN 1820-4996
Filipović, Sanja and Ignjatović, Jelena and Lađevac, Ivona (2024) Macroeconomic Stability of the BRICS and the Potential for Improving Foreign Trade Cooperation with Serbia. The Review of International Affairs, 75 (1191). pp. 217-240. ISSN 0486-6096
Gjurovski, Marjan and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) European integration of North Macedonia: a candidate-witness of the transformation of the European Union. In: Proširenje EU, geopolitika i Rusko-ukrajinski rat : zbornik radova sa redovne međunarodne konferencije Udruženja za političke nauke Srbije održane 21-22. oktobra 2023. u Beogradu = EU Enlargement, Geopolitics and the Russian-Ukraine War. Udruženje za političke nauke Srbije : Univerzitet, Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd, pp. 123-140. ISBN 978-86-6425-126-6
Gjurovski, Marjan and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Security Dimension Of Open Balkan: Contemporary Security Challenges As A Chance For Regional Security Platform. Journal of Diplomatic Research, 6 (1). pp. 11-13. ISSN 2687-590X
Gjurovski, Marjan and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Security Dimension of Open Balkans: Contemporary Security Challenges as a Chance for Regional Security Platform. Kultura polisa, 21 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1820–4589
Gjurovski, Marjan and Arnaudov, Mitko and Hadžić, Nikola (2024) Conclusion of the Council for National Security of the Republic of Serbia adopted on the occasion of the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine that began on 24 February 2022. In: Towards a better future: peace, justice, and strong institutions : conference proceedings / International scientific conference, Bitola, 20.10.2023. University "St. Kliment Ohridski"- Bitola, Faculty of Law, Kicevo, pp. 14-25. ISBN 978-608-4670-24-7
Gjurovski, Marjan and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Political and Institutional Stability as a Prerequisite for North Macedonia to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Balkan Social Science Review, 24 (24). pp. 299-321. ISSN 1857-8799
Gordanić, Jelica (2024) Nevladine organizacije u međunarodnom pravu. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-336-6
Gordanić, Jelica (2024) The subject of international law- state vs non-state actors. In: El orden jurídico internacional ante las vicisitudes del siglo XXI. Tirant lo Blanch España, Valencia, pp. 489-510. ISBN 978-84-1056-954-6
Gordanić, Jelica and Radovanović, Marina (2024) Značaj i dometi novopredložene Uredbe o utvrđivanju roditeljstva u prekograničnim situacijama. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (87-88). pp. 75-98. ISSN 1451-3188
Janković, Slobodan (2024) Треугольник Франция – Турция – Египет в контексте энергетического противостояния в Восточном Средиземноморье. In: Энергетика Большого Средиземноморья = The energy issues of the Greater Mediterranean. Доклады Института Европы (411). ИЕ РАН, Москва, pp. 83-96. ISBN 978-5- 98163-220-4
Janković, Slobodan (2024) Prošireno odvraćanje: pogled iz Irana. Nacionalni interes, 49 (3). pp. 71-89. ISSN 1820-4996
Janković, Slobodan (2024) Verska uverenja i politika. In: Teorije međunarodnih odnosa nekad i sad. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 76-81. ISBN 978-86-7067-342-7
Janković, Slobodan and Mitić, Aleksandar (2024) Competing Visions of World Order: How China, the US, the EU and Russia Conceive the Transition to Multipolarity. In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 102-131. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Jazić, Aleksandar (2024) Osnovni instrumenti civilne zaštite Evropske unije: trenutno stanje i izazovi. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-334-2
Jazić, Aleksandar (2024) Police Organization in the Netherlands. In: Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / XIII International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 8-9 November 2023. University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, pp. 274-285. ISBN 978-86-7020-512-3; 978-86-7020-190-3
Jazić, Aleksandar (2024) Serbia’s cooperation with the Visegrad Group states after 2000. In: National interest(s) in World Politics. University, Faculty of political science, Belgrade, pp. 469-484. ISBN 978-86-6425-129-7
Jazić, Aleksandar and Bojić, Ljubiša (2024) A Balanced Approach to Artificial Intelligence in Government Decision-Making Processes. In: Navigating the Digital Age. An In-Depth Exploration into the Intersection of Modern Technologies and Societal Transformation. Disput . Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory; Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna, Belgrade; Vienna, pp. 244-266. ISBN 978-86-82324-85-0
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja (2024) WTO as a legal guarantor of international trade: manifested weaknesses and the beginning of the reform of the organization. In: El orden jurídico internacional ante las vicisitudes del siglo XXI. Tirant lo Blanch España, Valencia, pp. 243-264. ISBN 978-84-1056-954-6
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Determinants of Bilateral Cooperation of Small States in Contemporary International Relations: From the Neorealist Perspective of Politics and Security – A Case Study: Serbia and North Macedonia. Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 28 (3). pp. 263-279. ISSN 1428-149X
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Geopolitičke (ne)prilike vs. "zakasnelo" reagovanje spoljnopolitičke službe Severne Makedonije u procesu evropskih integracija. Srpska politčka misao, 86 (4). pp. 95-122. ISSN 0354-5989
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Political Antagonisms, Misaligned Security Policies, and Economic Integration Efforts in the Western Balkans: Present Challenges and Future Perspectives. In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 429-454. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) The Security Challenges of the Open Balkans from FDI Perspective - Case Study: Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia. Baština, 34 (63). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0353-9008
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Uloga regionalne saradnje u savremenim međunarodnim odnosima. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-344-1
Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Arnaudov, Mitko (2024) Western Balkans Challenges in the Third Decade of the 21st Century – Case Study: Serbia and North Macedonia. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World". The Faculty of Law, Goce Delchev University in Shtip, pp. 351-361.
Jović-Lazić, Ana (2024) Legal Dynamics in EU-Ukraine Relations: Strengthened Support on the Journey from the Eastern Partnership Country to the EU Candidate Country in the Context of Russian Invasion. EU and comparative law issues and challenges series, 8. pp. 295-330. ISSN 2459-9425
Jović-Lazić, Ana and Bošković, Stefan (2024) Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy Positioning towards Russia and its Impact on the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War: A Hedging Strategy. The Review of International Affairs, LXXV (1190). pp. 55-82.
Kastratović, Aleksandra (2024) Od ograničenja slobode kretanja do lišenja slobode osoba u potrebi za međunarodnom zaštitom - usklađenost domaćeg prava sa standardima Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, 63 (101). pp. 163-182. ISSN 0350-8501
Kastratović, Aleksandra (2024) Privremene mere Međunarodnog suda pravde u postupku između Ukrajine i Rusije - prikaz. In: Pravo na pravdu – izazovi savremenog doba : zbornik radova 37. susreta Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava - Slobodan Perović, Kopaonik, 13. – 17. decembar 2024 : međunarodna naučna konferencija. Kopaonička škola prirodnog prava, Beograd, pp. 443-460. ISBN 978-86-81956-26-7
Kastratović, Aleksandra and Vučić, Mihajlo (2024) Zaštita ljudskih prava i problem klimatskih promena u svetlosti načela zajedničke ali diferencirane odgovornosti - praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (87-88). pp. 373-397. ISSN 1451-3188
Kostić Šulejić, Marina (2024) National interests of Serbia and Bulgaria after major adverse events: Between continuity and change. In: National interest(s) in World Politics. University, Faculty of political science, Belgrade, pp. 365-386. ISBN 978-86-6425-129-7
Kostić Šulejić, Marina (2024) Vojna neutralnost i nuklearno oružje : između posedovanja i zabrane : slučaj Evrope i opcije za Srbiju. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-332-8
Kostić Šulejić, Marina and Blagojević, Veljko (2024) Western Balkans and Ukrainian Crisis 2014–2024. In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 455-479. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Kostić Šulejić, Marina and Marković, Nikola (2024) The Republic of Srpska after the war in Ukraine: Between guaranteed rights, disappearance and independence. Politička revija, 81 (3). pp. 37-63. ISSN 1451-4281
Kostić Šulejić, Marina and Pollak, Hana (2024) Uloga i značaj istraživačkih centara u oblasti bezbednosti. In: Analitički centri: uloga u kreiranju javnih politika u Srbiji : tematski zbornik. Institut za političke studije, Beograd, pp. 75-101. ISBN 978-86-7419-397-6
Lađevac, Ivona (2024) Serbia and China: From Strategic Partnership to the Community with a Shared Future. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 459-468. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Lađevac, Ivona and Stekić, Nenad and Mitić, Aleksandar and Nedić, Pavle (2024) COMPASS Project Methodology Ver. 1.0. Project Report. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade.
Marković, Nikola (2024) Pad monarhije u Grčkoj i Kraljevina SHS (1923–1924). Srpske studije, 15. pp. 240-268. ISSN 2217-5687
Marković, Nikola (2024) Politika Jugoslavije prema Bliskom istoku krajem 1973. i u toku prve polovine 1974. godine. Vojnoistorijski glasnik (1). pp. 191-220. ISSN 0042-8442
Milosavljević, Branislav and Blagojević, Veljko (2024) The Concept of Deterrence in Current Relations in the Middle East. The Review of International Affairs, 75 (1192). pp. 383-403. ISSN 0486-6096
Mitić, Aleksandar (2024) A Decade of Serbia’s EU Accession Process: Implications for Sino-Serbian Political Relations. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 511-527. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Mitić, Aleksandar (2024) Global Strategic Narrative Wars: The Battle for Serbia. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade. ISBN 978-86-7067-341-0
Mitić, Aleksandar (2024) Reflection of the 1999 NATO Agression in the Strategic Narratives of Global Powers and the Context of Multipolarity. In: History and Cultural Memory. Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, pp. 393-416. ISBN 978-86-7419-396-9
Nedić, Pavle (2024) Odgovor Vijetnama na uspon Kine: razvoj odnosa sa SAD-om kao uravnotežavanje pretnje. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 257-273. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Nikolić, Jovana (2024) China in Latin America: Economic Results and Prospects of the Belt and Road Initiative. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 327-347. ISBN 978-86-7067-338-0
Nikolić, Jovana (2024) Kriza sistema za rešavanje sporova u STO: stanje i dometi predloženih rešenja. Međunarodna politika, 75 (1191). pp. 345-366. ISSN 0543-3657
Novaković, Marko (2024) Mišljenje broj 3 KVES i etički kodeksi: kako izgleda idealni sudija = Opinion no. 3 of the CCJE and codes of judical ethics:What does an ideal judge look like? In: Međunarodna naučna konferencija Pravni principi u savremenom pravu. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta, Niš, pp. 547-571. ISBN 978-86-7148-327-8
Novaković, Marko (2024) Penal Populism Accross Nations: Illustrative Case Studies. In: IX International scientific thematic conference Penal populism and impact on the work of institutions. Institute of criminological and sociological research, Belgrade, pp. 115-127. ISBN 978-86-80756-74-5
Novaković, Marko (2024) Pojam pogroma u praksi Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. In: Zbornik radova I međunarodnog naučnog tematskog skupa "Od pogroma do zločina nad zločinima". Privredna akademija : Fakultet za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment, Novi Sad, pp. 93-102. ISBN 978-86-82408-51-2
Novičić, Žaklina (2024) Teorije evropskih integracija nekad i sad. In: Teorije međunarodnih odnosa nekad i sad. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 24-27. ISBN 978-86-7067-342-7
Obrenović, Mile (2024) Indija u Indo-Pacifiku: tas prevage u globalnoj ravnoteži snaga. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 291-307. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Obrenović, Mile (2024) (Ne)uspeh Nemačke u sprovođenju američke strategije proširenog odvraćanja Rusije. Nacionalni interes=National interest, 49 (3). pp. 51-70. ISSN 1452-2152
Obrenović, Mile (2024) Uticaj oružanih sukoba na širenje zaraznih bolesti. Vojno delo, 76 (2). pp. 47-60. ISSN 0042-8426
Pajić, Nataša (2024) Trgovina ljudima i ljudska (ne)bezbednost. Megatrend revija, 21 (1). pp. 127-144. ISSN 1820-3159
Parezanović, Marko and Proroković, Dušan (2024) Psychological and Propaganda Operations as a Form of Hybrid Warfare. NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 29 (1). pp. 43-55. ISSN 0354-8872
Petrović, Dragan (2024) Promašaji vlasti Srbije u pregovaračkom procesu oko Kosova i Metohije, pod okriljem Evropske Unije. Bezbednosni forum, IX (1). pp. 101-113. ISSN 2466-4448
Petrović, Miloš (2024) Deevropeizacija u politici proširenja Evropske unije s posebnim osvrtom na Srbiju. In: Teorije međunarodnih odnosa nekad i sad. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 49-55. ISBN 978-86-7067-342-7
Petrović, Miloš (2024) Motiv osiguranja u nemačkom političkom diskursu o evropskim integracijama. Tokovi osiguranja, 40 (1). pp. 183-210. ISSN 1451-3757
Petrović, Miloš (2024) Političke posledice prepoznavanja perpsketive članstva u Evropskoj uniji za tri istočna partnera. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (85). pp. 13-33. ISSN 1451-3188
Petrović, Miloš (2024) Unarticulated Foreign Policy as a Manifestation of Drifting Away from the EU Membership Goal. In: National interest(s) in world politics. University, Faculty of political science, Belgrade, pp. 77-97. ISBN 978-86-6425-129-7
Petrović, Miloš and Gavrilović, Darko (2024) The Continuing Socio-political Appeal of Thermopylae Symbolism and the War in Ukraine. Философски алтернативи, XXXIII (2). pp. 21-41. ISSN 0861-7899 (In Press)
Petrović, Miloš and Radić Milosavljević, Ivana (2024) Preparation of Serbia for the EU regional policy and negotiations in Chapter 22: Regional policy and coordination of structural funds. In: The EU regional policy and regional policy challenges in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Montenegro and Serbia. Montenegrin Pan-European Union, Podgorica, pp. 178-190. ISBN 978-9940-8846-2-8
Petrović, Miloš and Veselica, Milan (2024) Bulgaria’s EU Accession: Between Ecclesiastical Concerns and the State’s Pro-Western Outlook. The Review of International Affairs, LXXV (1190). pp. 83-108. ISSN 0486-6096
Petrović, Miloš and Veselica, Milan (2024) Evropska politička zajednica: između horizontalnog povezivanja i potrebe za dublјom integracijom na kontinentu. Međunarodna politika, LXXV (1190). pp. 143-168. ISSN 0543-3657
Petrović, Rajko and Babić, Danilo (2024) Zločini zapadne civilizacije. Catena Mundi; Institut za evropske studije, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-6343-214-7
Popović, Slobodan (2024) Zagonetka u mozaiku poretka „kineskog sna“ : Šangajska organizacija za saradnju. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-337-3
Popović, Slobodan and Stević, Ljiljana (2024) Military-to-Military Diplomacy and Cooperation Between China and Serbia: Genesis and Future Prospects. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 307-330. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Proroković, Dušan (2024) Intergovernmental Organizations and Great Powers in the Multipolar World: The Issue of Confidence and the Impact on International Relations. In: Responsibility in International Relations. Selected papers from an international roundtable consultation in Vienna. International Progress Organization, Vienna, pp. 191-211. ISBN 978-3-900704-37-7
Proroković, Dušan (2024) Konkurentnost evropske ekonomije i energetska kriza: uzroci i posledice po balkanske zemlje. In: Energetska slika BiH u kontekstu energetske krize u Evropi: zbornik odabranih radova sa naučno – stručne konferencije, Banja Luka, 10. jun 2023. godine. Udruženje „Centar za lobiranje“, Banja Luka, pp. 10-23. ISBN 978-99976-775-8-7
Proroković, Dušan (2024) Legitimnost međurepubličkog razgraničenja u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji i moguće geopolitičke posledice tog procesa u novim okolnostima. Leskovački zbornik, 64 (2). pp. 243-258. ISSN 0459-1070
Proroković, Dušan (2024) Ontological Security as a Factor in Balkan Geopolitics. Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs, 28 (3). pp. 73-87. ISSN 1428-149X
Proroković, Dušan (2024) US vs. China: A Battle for the 21st Century. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 84-96. ISBN 978-86-7067-338-0
Proroković, Dušan (2024) Uloga BRIKS u uspostavljanju ravnoteže snaga u međunarodnim odnosima. Srpska politička misao, 84 (2). pp. 39-60. ISSN 0354-5989
Proroković, Dušan and Stekić, Nenad (2024) New Balance of Power in the International Relations and the Role of China. In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 132-152. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Radić Milosavljević, Ivana and Petrović, Miloš (2024) EU Enlargement Policy between the Chronological Precedence of the Western Balkans and the Geopolitical Urgency in the Eastern Neighborhood: a Realist Perspective. Političke perspektive : časopis za istraživanje politike, 14 (1). pp. 33-63. ISSN 2217-561X
Radonjić, Ljubivoje and Bojić, Ljubiša and Novaković, Marko (2024) Blockchain integration in public sector: A comprehensive review of economic and legal challenges. Ekonomika preduzeća, 72 (5-6). pp. 305-321. ISSN 0353-443X
Radovanović, Marina (2024) Zaštita osnovnih prava u kontekstu surogat materinstva: osvrt na noviju praksu Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, LXIII (101). pp. 143-161. ISSN 0350-8501
Stanković, Nevena (2024) Srbija i Evropska unija : spoljnopolitičke dileme, ograničenja, implikacije : poglavlja 35 i 31. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-7067-335-9
Stanković, Nevena (2024) The Western Balkans and the EU enlargement policy in the light of new geopolitical tendencies. In: El orden jurídico internacional ante las vicisitudes del siglo XXI. Tirant lo Blanch España, Valencia, pp. 583-607. ISBN 978-84-1056-954-6
Stanojević, Nataša (2024) China's economic influence in South Asia: a case study of Sri Lanka. In: China in World and Regional Politics. History and Modernity. Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS), pp. 340-354.
Stanojević, Nataša (2024) The Economic Effects of Serbian Neutrality in the Ukrainian Crisis: Risks and Benefits. Ekonomski signali, 19 (2). pp. 19-40. ISSN 1452-4457
Stanojević, Nataša (2024) Exploring the Middle East as a Market for Serbia’s Defense Industry. Ekonomika preduzeća, 72 (7-8). pp. 387-399. ISSN 0353-443X
Stanojević, Nataša (2024) Leveraging Big Data Analytics to Strengthen Global Value Chains amidst Geopolitical Crises. In: 6th Virtual international conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2023, Serbia, Niš, October 21-22, 2024. Complex System Research Centre : Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Niš, pp. 87-94. ISBN 978-86-82602-04-0
Stanojević, Nataša (2024) Raskršća ASEAN-a: privredni razvoj u uslovima rivalstva između SAD-a i Kine. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 239-256. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Stanojević, Nataša and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Stamenović, Milorad (2024) The WTO’s compulsory licencing of patented pharmaceuticals: implementation challenges. Međunarodna politika, LXXV (1190). pp. 39-55. ISSN 0543-3657
Stefanović, Andrej and Kostić Šulejić, Marina (2024) Making a comprehensive arms control agreement for Europe in times of crisis: rationale, structure and outcomes. Politika nacionalne bezbednosti, 27 (2). pp. 79-107. ISSN 2334-959X
Stefanović, Andrej and Kostić Šulejić, Marina (2024) Southeast European Countries and a Nuclear Weapons Ban. Peace Review. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1040-2659
Stefanović-Štambuk, Jelica and Popović, Slobodan (2024) China’s Emancipatory Diplomacy for a Peaceful, Democratic, and Sustainable Global Community. The Review of International Affairs, 75 (1192). pp. 405-436. ISSN 0486-6096
Stekić, Nenad (2024) Analysing Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between China and Serbia: Political, Economic, and military-technical relations. In: Routledge Handbook of Chinese and Eurasian International Relations. Routledge, London, pp. 214-227. ISBN 978-1032-573-76-2
Stekić, Nenad (2024) The Compass Dataset: A New Approach to Indexing Serbia’s Policy Trends. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 528-543. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Stekić, Nenad (2024) The Evolving Paradigms of Military Interventions and China: Lessons from Global Centre-Periphery Relations. Međunarodna politika, 75 (1192). pp. 481-506. ISSN 0543-3657
Stekić, Nenad (2024) Patterns of Bilateral Military Alliances Formation and Political Regimes in Central Europe, 1962–2003. Međunarodni problemi, 76 (4). pp. 655-681. ISSN 0025-8555
Stekić, Nenad (2024) Čuvari mikrokosmosa – strateška nadmetanja i industrija poluprovodnika Tajvana kao novi locus globalne bezbednosti. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 185-198. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Stekić, Nenad and Nikolić, Jovana (2024) The interplay of democracy and trade: A comparative study of China and the EU in Eurasian relations. Srpska politička misao, 84 (2). pp. 61-86. ISSN 0354-5989
Stojanović, Bogdan (2024) Cryptocurrencies as Tools of Geopolitical Competition: Increasing the Anarchy of the International System. The Review of International Affairs, 75 (1191). pp. 241-260. ISSN 0486-6096
Stojanović, Bogdan (2024) Duša na rubu : misterija zvana homo destructor. Posebna izdanja . „Filip Višnjić“, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-6309-294-5
Stojanović, Bogdan (2024) Nove nuklearne tehnologije i Balkan: da li je energetska budućnost Srbije nuklearna? In: Energetske geopolitičke igre na Zapadnom Balkanu : zbornik odabranih radova sa naučno-stručne konferencije, Banja Luka, 06. april 2024. godine. Udruženje "Centar za lobiranje", Banja Luka. ISBN 978-99976-066-0-0
Stojanović, Bogdan (2024) Šahovska igra moći: Korejsko poluostrvo i potencijal za eskalaciju. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 199-217. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Stojanović, Bogdan and Stanojević, Nataša (2024) Profiling Serbian Population: Exploring the Rise of Pro-Russian Leanings. In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 570-591. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Stępień, Sebastian and Smędzik-Ambroży, Katarzyna and Svobodová, Eliška and Zdráhal, Ivo and Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra (2024) Economic and Financial Condition of Farms in Poland and Czechia During the COVID-19 Pandemic / Kondycja ekonomiczno-finansowa gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce i Czechach w warunkach pandemii COVID-19. Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej / Problems of Agricultural Economics, 378 (1). pp. 30-49. ISSN 0044-1600
Tijanić, Jovana (2024) The Cooperation with the ICC – the Only Possible Way to Justice? In: Thematic Conference Proceedings of International Significance / XIII International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Belgrade, 8-9 November 2023. University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade, pp. 125-133. ISBN 978-86-7020-512-3; 978-86-7020-190-3
Tijanić, Jovana (2024) From Non-Participation to “Shared Future” Vision — China’s Involvement in the United Nations. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 45-56. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Tijanić, Jovana (2024) Pitanje predsedavanja Organizacijom za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju — izazovi i perspektive. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, 23 (85). pp. 111-124. ISSN 1451-3188
Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra and Jelisavac Trošić, Sanja and Muntean, Andreea (2024) Socio-economic characteristics of agriculture and the role in economic development of the Republic of Serbia and Romania. International Review (1-2). pp. 153-162. ISSN 2217-9739
Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra and Jovancai Stakić, Ana (2024) Lowering unemployment through entrepreneurship: Global challenges and experience from Serbia. Trendovi u poslovanju, 12 (1). pp. 108-118. ISSN 2334-816X
Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra and Koubaa, Salah (2024) Entrepreneurial Well-Being - Case Study of Morocco and Serbia. In: 13th International Scientific Conference "Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship". Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 910-915. ISBN 978-86-6069-225-4
Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra and Ristanović, Vladimir (2024) Farm Economy in Serbia – Distribution Channels of Sustainable Products. Ekonomika poljoprivrede=Economics of Agriculture, 71 (4). pp. 1225-1235. ISSN 0352-3462
Tošović-Stevanović, Aleksandra and Stepien, Sebastian and Polcyn, Jan (2024) Challenges of Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of Agricultural. In: 13th International Scientific Conference "Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship". Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, pp. 44-52. ISBN 978-86-6069-225-4
Trailović, Dragan (2024) Beyond the Geopolitical Chessboard: New Ways of Theorizing the International Relations of Central Asia. In: Geography, Identity, and Politics: Concepts, Theories, and Cases in Geopolitical Analysis. Faculty of Security Studies, University, Belgrade, pp. 113-129. ISBN 978-86-80144-67-2
Trailović, Dragan (2024) Kinesko-američko strateško rivalstvo u Indo-Pacifiku: nadmetanje za regionalno vođstvo. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 23-44. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Trailović, Dragan (2024) Sistem regionalne etničke autonomije u Narodnoj Republici Kini: ustavnopravni okvir. Međunarodna politika, 75 (1191). pp. 269-294. ISSN 0543-3657
Trailović, Dragan (2024) “Steel Friendship” of the Political Elites: How China Became a Soft Power Player in Serbia. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 283-306. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Trailović, Dragan and Popović, Slobodan (2024) The EU’s Central Asia Policy in a Shifting Regional Geopolitical Landscape. In: Futuring Cooperation and Bridging up Relations between Europe and Asia. OBIO Book Series, 4 . Budapest Business University, Oriental Business and Innovation Office (OBIO), Budapest, pp. 120-150. ISBN 978-615-6342-92-8
Trapara, Vladimir (2024) Geopolitički i ideološki aspekti rivalstva SAD i Kine. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 64-74. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Trapara, Vladimir (2024) Obrnuta Tukididova zamka: struktura i proces rivalstva SAD i Kine. Međunarodni problemi=International Problems, 76 (2). pp. 201-222. ISSN 0025-8555
Trapara, Vladimir (2024) Različiti pristupi razumevanju rusko-ukrajinskog sukoba. Međunarodna politika, LXXV (1190). pp. 125-141. ISSN 0543-3657
Trapara, Vladimir (2024) Religijski koreni rusko-ukrajinskog sukoba. In: Teorije međunarodnih odnosa nekad i sad. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 70-75. ISBN 978-86-7067-342-7
Trapara, Vladimir and Jović-Lazić, Ana (2024) U.S. Concept of a “Rules-Based Order” and Its Discontents: Is There a Credible Alternative? In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 153-174. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Veselica, Milan (2024) Faith-based politics? The World Council of Churches and the wars in Yugoslavia and Ukraine. In: Religious Conflicts in the World: Causes and Possible Solutions. Faculty of Philosophy at Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, pp. 109-126. ISBN 978-608-238-244-9
Veselica, Milan (2024) Has God returned to Europe? The effect of different types of religiosity on European identity. In: Proširenje EU, geopolitika i Rusko-ukrajinski rat : zbornik radova sa redovne međunarodne konferencije Udruženja za političke nauke Srbije održane 21–22. oktobra 2023. u Beogradu = EU Enlargement, Geopolitics and the Russian-Ukraine War. Udruženje za političke nauke Srbije : Univerzitet, Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd, pp. 141-161. ISBN 978-86-6425-126-6
Veselica, Milan (2024) Međunarodna politička uloga dogmi Rimokatoličke crkve. Političke perspektive : časopis za istraživanje politike, 14 (2). pp. 103-129. ISSN 2217-561X
Vuković, Nebojša (2024) Mnogo malih i jedno veliko ostrvo – Francuska i Australija u Indo-Pacifiku. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 154-169. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Vuković, Nebojša (2024) Sukob niskog intenziteta: evolucija, karakter i kriptoživot jedne doktrine. Biblioteka „Vojna knjiga”, Edicija Geopolitika (2661). Medija centar „Odbrana”, Beograd. ISBN 978-86-335-0884-1
Vučić, Mihajlo (2024) Illegal Aspects of the Proposed Seizure of Russian Central Bank Assets. In: Global Security and International Relations After the Escalation of the Ukrainian Crisis. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Security, University; Sapienza University, Department of Political Science; Austin Peay State University, Belgrade; Rome; Clarksville, pp. 221-239. ISBN 978-86-7067-328-1
Vučić, Mihajlo (2024) Samoodbrana i zločini u Gazi. Diplomatija i bezbednost, 7 (1). pp. 11-27. ISSN 2620-0333
Vučić, Mihajlo and Đukanović, Dragan (2024) The Challenges of Normalizing Relations between Belgrade and Pristina: Implications of the “Agreement on the Path to Normalization". Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 10 (1). pp. 20-36. ISSN 1857-9760
Yan, Zichun and Wu, Chaonan and Zhang, Jingjia and Wang, Zehan and Lađevac, Ivona (2024) Asymmetric impact of energy prices on financial cycles based on interval time series modeling. International Review of Financial Analysis, 96 (A). ISSN 1057-5219
Zakić, Katarina (2024) Chinese Investments in Renewable Energy Projects in Central and Eastern European Countries. Međunarodna politika, LXXV (1190). pp. 91-123. ISSN 0543-3657
Zakić, Katarina (2024) Serbian Development Path of FDIs: Navigating Between the EU and China. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 421-458. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Zakić, Katarina and Lađevac, Ivona and Đorđević, Branislav and Filipović, Sanja and Mitić, Aleksandar and Stekić, Nenad and Nedić, Pavle (2024) Serbia’s Relations with the EU and China 2013-2023: Political, Security, and Economic Domains, COMPASS Integral Report 1 - Public Policy Analysis. Project Report. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade.
Ćurčić, Milica and Arnaudov, Mitko and Dimović, Slavko (2024) Pravni okvir Srbije u sprečavanju proliferacije oružja za masovno uništenje. Međunarodna politika, 75 (1192). pp. 575-597. ISSN 0543-3657
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Đukanović, Dragan and Vučić, Mihajlo (2024) Between Geopolitics and Legal Obligations: The Eu and The Continuation of the Normalization Process between Belgrade and Priština. In: International Scientific Conference “EU at the Crossroads – Ways to Preserve Democracy and Rule of Law“. EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC), 8 . Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek, pp. 640-665. ISBN 978-953-8109-60-7
Šekarić Stojanović, Nevena (2024) EU-China Renewable Energy Cooperation: Barriers and Prospects. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 221-239. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Šekarić Stojanović, Nevena (2024) The EU’S human security based approach towards energy poverty. Međunarodni problemi = International problems, LXXVI (1). pp. 11-32. ISSN 0025-8555
Šekarić Stojanović, Nevena (2024) Energetska diplomatija Evropske unije: razvoj, stanje i perspektive. Međunarodna politika, 75 (1191). pp. 345-366. ISSN 0543-3657
Šekarić Stojanović, Nevena (2024) Energetski pametan grad kao rešenje urbanih energetskih problema. In: Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj, Zbornik radova sa treće naučne konferencije. Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti ; Univerzitet, Arhitektonski fakultet, Beograd, pp. 247-260. ISBN 978-86-80144-68-9
Šekarić Stojanović, Nevena and Zakić, Katarina (2024) Renewable energy as a connecting spot between China and Central and Eastern European countries: status, directions and perspectives. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14 (10). pp. 2-18. ISSN 2192-0567