Items where Author is "Vasić, Nenad"

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Number of items: 17.

Vasić, Nenad and Arnaudov, Mitko (2022) European Union – Western Balkans Relations: A two-way street where no one knows where they are headed. In: Harmony in Diversity : Collection of Papers from the Harmony in Diversity Scientific Conference, Sofia, December 9th 2022. Academic Publisher Za bukvite – O pismeneh, Sofia, pp. 624-634. ISBN ISSN 2367-7899

Dimitrijević, Duško and Vasić, Nenad (2022) Evropska Zelena agenda. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, XXI (79). pp. 173-194. ISSN 1451-3188

Vasić, Nenad (2022) The United Nations Specialized Agency for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) and Its Role in the Preservation of Serbian Cultural Heritage. In: International Organizations: Serbia and Contemporary World. Institute of International Politics and Economics; Faculty of Philosophy of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Belgrade; Skopje, pp. 380-389. ISBN 978-86-7067-305-2

Vasić, Nenad (2021) Ključni izazovi nove metodologije pregovora o članstvu u Evropskoj uniji u kontekstu pandemije SARS KOV-2. In: Rаzvојni prаvci Еvrоpskе uniје nаkоn pаndемiје KОVID 19. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 361-376. ISBN 978-86-7067-289-5

Vasić, Nenad (2021) Non-papers of the Republic of Slovenia and Different Views on the Future of the Western Balkans Region. In: Convergence and Confrontation: The Balkans and the Middle East in the 21st Century. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 241-262. ISBN 978-86-7067-293-2

Vasić, Nenad and Heler, Daniel (2020) Public relations and advocacy versus lobbyng in sport: А case study of the Republic оf Serbia and comparatives international practice. In: International scientific conference effects of physical activity application to anthropological status with children, adolescents and adults: Book of proceedings. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Belgrade, pp. 306-319. ISBN 978-86-89773-61-3

Vasić, Nenad and Đurica, Nataša (2018) Ambasade i kulturna diplomatija Republike Srbije: mreža kulturnih kutaka u viziji i mogućoj spoljnopolitičkoj strategiji. In: Kulturno i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije u svetu. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 134-145. ISBN 978-86-7067-256-7

Vasić, Nenad and Đurica, Nataša (2018) Univerzalna deklaracija UNESKO-a o kulturnoj raznolikosti i Kosovo i Metohija pod protektoratom Ujedinjenih nacija. In: Zbornik radova = Collection of Papers. Tom 1 / Naučnik skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Univerzalno i osobeno u pravu, Kosovska Mitrovica 2018 = Scientifc Conference with International Participation Universally and Particularity at Law. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta, Kosovska Mitrovica, pp. 117-135. ISBN 978-86-6083-053-3

Vasić, Nenad (2016) Diplomatija i kultura Srbije. In: Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa Diplomatija i kultura Srbije : stanje i perspektive. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 238-263. ISBN 978-86-7067-220-8

Vasić, Nenad and Arnaudov, Mitko (2016) European Union Proclaimed Harmony and Disharmony of the Western Balkans. In: Harmony in Diversity : Collection of Papers from the “Harmony in Diversity” National Conference, Sofia, 09.12.2016. “Za bukvite – O pismeneh” Publishing House, Sofia, pp. 526-539. ISBN ISSN 2367-7899

Vasić, Nenad (2016) Geo-Economics of the Danube Region and the Treaty on the Privatization of Smederevo Iron Works Ltd. with Hesteel. In: Danube and the new silk road: thematical proceeding from the international scientific conference, Belgrade, June 17, 2016. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 351-371. ISBN 978-86-7067-234-5

Vasić, Nenad and Dimitrijević, Duško (2016) Lobiranje u pregovorima o pristupanju Evropskoj uniji. Evropsko zakonodavstvo, XV (56-57). pp. 9-20. ISSN 1451-3188

Vasić, Nenad (2016) Strategija Evropske unije za Dunavski region i otvorena pitanja sa susednim državama Republike Srbije. In: Dunavska strategija Evropske unije u 21. veku. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 167-180. ISBN 978-86-7067-223-9

Vasić, Nenad (2015) Mogućnosti diplomatskog lobiranja u Evropskoj uniji i strategija spoljne politike Republike Srbije. Međunarodna politika, LXVI (1158-1159). pp. 105-114. ISSN 0543-3657

Vasić, Nenad (2014) Changes in international relations and the order of the European Union. In: The Old and the New World Order-between European Integration and the Historical Burdens: Prospects and Challanges for Europe of 21st Century : proceedings. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 100-123. ISBN 978-86-7067-207-9

Vasić, Nenad and Stančetić, Veran (2014) Društva lobista na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije i integracije u Evropsku uniju. In: Evropska unija i Zapadni Balkan-izazovi i perspktive : zbornik radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije Beograd, 20-21. jun 2013. godine. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 385-399. ISBN 978-86-7067-195-9

Vasić, Nenad (2014) Multikulturalnost na Kosovu i Metohiji. In: Tradicija, promene, istorijsko nasleđe, pitanja državnosti i nacionalnog identiteta na Kosovu i Metohiji. Institut za srpsku kulturu, Leposavić, pp. 439-457. ISBN 978-86-89025-13-2

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