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Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2025) Serbia's Foreign Policy Strategic Goals and the Issue of Kosovo and Metohija in the Conditions of the Diminished Clarity of the International System. In: International Relations Theory and Philosophical Political Insights Into Conflict Management. IGI Global, pp. 85-112. ISBN 9798369396261
Lađevac, Ivona and Stekić, Nenad and Mitić, Aleksandar and Nedić, Pavle (2024) COMPASS Project Methodology Ver. 1.0. Project Report. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade.
Nedić, Pavle (2024) Odgovor Vijetnama na uspon Kine: razvoj odnosa sa SAD-om kao uravnotežavanje pretnje. In: Geostrategija Indo-Pacifika : veliki poligon globalnog sučeljavanja. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu : Univerzitet, Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 257-273. ISBN 978-86-7067-333-5
Zakić, Katarina and Lađevac, Ivona and Đorđević, Branislav and Filipović, Sanja and Mitić, Aleksandar and Stekić, Nenad and Nedić, Pavle (2024) Serbia’s Relations with the EU and China 2013-2023: Political, Security, and Economic Domains, COMPASS Integral Report 1 - Public Policy Analysis. Project Report. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade.
Đorđević, Branislav and Nedić, Pavle (2024) Serbia’s Security Relations with the EU and China in the Evolving International Environment. In: The 4rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: Harvesting the winds of change: China and the global actors. Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, pp. 491-510. ISBN 978-86-7067-339-7
Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2023) Between Securitization and Desecuritization: The Shifting Discourse on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Serbia. In: Disaster Construction and Reconstruction: Lessons from COVID -19 for Ethics, Politics and Law. Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 170-189. ISBN 978-86-7093-271-5
Nedić, Pavle and Vuković, Nebojša (2023) Plivanje protiv struje: argumenti Džona Miršajmera o odgovornosti za rat u Ukrajini. In: Rat u Ukrajini: ono što znamo i ono što ne znamo. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet bezbednosti, Beograd, pp. 249-262. ISBN 978-86-7067-313-7
Mileski, Toni and Arnaudov, Mitko and Nedić, Pavle and Klimoska, Katerina (2023) The Relation Between China, North Macedonia and Serbia in the Changing Geopolitical Context. Project Report. China-CEE Institute Nonprofit Ltd., Budapest.
Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2023) Sekuritizacija u izbornom kontekstu – rat u Ukrajini i izborna kampanja u Srbiji 2022. godine. Politička revija, 75 (1). pp. 155-181. ISSN 1451-4281
Nedić, Pavle (2023) Southeast Asia between the US’ and China’s Visions for the World. In: Conference Proceedings / The 3rd “Dialogues on China” International Academic Conference: New Chinese Initiatives for a Changing Global Security November 9-10, 2023, Belgrade. Institute of International Politics and Economics,, Belgrade, pp. 111-124. ISBN 978-86-7067-321-2
Nedić, Pavle (2023) Strateška stabilnost u multipolarnom svetu (Marina Kostić Šulejić, Strateška stabilnost u multipolarnom svetu, Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, 2022, 259 str.). Međunarodni problemi, LXXV (1). pp. 119-123. ISSN 0025-8555
Nedić, Pavle (2022) Hedging Strategy as a Response to the United States-China Rivalry: The Case of Southeast Asia. The Review of International Affairs, LXXIII (1185). pp. 91-112. ISSN 0486-6096
Nedić, Pavle (2022) Neokejnzijanski model kao odgovorna geoekonomske izazove (Slobodan Komazec, Rajko Bukvić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Dragan Petrović, Srbija u savremenim geoekonomskim procesima, Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, 2022, 424 str.). Međunarodna politika, LXXIII (1185). pp. 121-125. ISSN 0543-3657
Mandić, Marko and Nedić, Pavle (2022) Uticaj unutrašnjih faktora na spoljnopolitičku orijentaciju malih država: slučaj Srbije. In: Geopolitički interesi velikih sila i strateška bezbednost malih država. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet bezbednosti i Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 182-195. ISBN 978-86-80144-51-1
Kopanja, Mihajlo and Nedić, Pavle (2022) The World is Not a Blank Canvas: Or Why Should We Teach Political Geography? (Okunev, Igor (2021). Political Geography. Bruxelles: Peter Lang. 474 рр. ISBN: 978-2-8076-1621-9 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3726/ b17747). Međunarodni problemi, LXXIV (1). pp. 131-139. ISSN 0025-8555
Nedić, Pavle (2021) Europe in Changes: the Old Continent at a New Crossroads (Katarina Zakić and Birgül Dimirtaş eds., Europe in Changes: The Old Continent at a New Crossroads, Institute of International Politics and Economics and Faculty of Security Studies at the University of Belgrade, 2021, pp. 482.). The Review of International Affairs, LXXII (1183). pp. 93-97. ISSN 0486-6096
Mandić, Marko and Nedić, Pavle (2021) Karakteristike i funkcionisanje polupredsedničkog sistema u Srbiji. Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka, XV (26). pp. 79-98. ISSN 1820-6700
Nedić, Pavle (2021) Kohabitacija u Francuskoj kao posledica polupredsedničkog sistema. Politički život (20). pp. 35-49. ISSN 2217-7000
Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2021) The US-Russia Rapprochement: The (Im)Possible Direction For A Us Foreign Policy. Politika nacionlane bezbednosti, 21 (2). pp. 139-157. ISSN 2334-959X
Nedić, Pavle (2021) A Valuable Piece of the Liberal Hegemony Puzzle: the United States' Involvement in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. The Review of International Affairs, LXXII (1182). pp. 27-46. ISSN 0486-6096
Nedić, Pavle (2020) The American Strategy for Eurasia (Book review : Zbigniew Brzezinski. 1997. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. New York: Basic Books, p. 240.). Politika nacionalne bezbednosti, 18 (1). pp. 221-228. ISSN 2334-959X
Nedić, Pavle (2020) Rusko-Kineska saradnja u vojno-bezbednosnim pitanjima i energetici posle Ukrajinske krize. Politika nacionalne bezbednosti, 19 (2). pp. 133-151. ISSN 2334-959X