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Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2023) Sekuritizacija u izbornom kontekstu – rat u Ukrajini i izborna kampanja u Srbiji 2022. godine. Politička revija, 75 (1). pp. 155-181. ISSN 1451-4281
Mandić, Marko and Nedić, Pavle (2021) Karakteristike i funkcionisanje polupredsedničkog sistema u Srbiji. Godišnjak Fakulteta političkih nauka, XV (26). pp. 79-98. ISSN 1820-6700
Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2021) The US-Russia Rapprochement: The (Im)Possible Direction For A Us Foreign Policy. Politika nacionlane bezbednosti, 21 (2). pp. 139-157. ISSN 2334-959X
Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2025) Serbia's Foreign Policy Strategic Goals and the Issue of Kosovo and Metohija in the Conditions of the Diminished Clarity of the International System. In: International Relations Theory and Philosophical Political Insights Into Conflict Management. IGI Global, pp. 85-112. ISBN 9798369396261
Nedić, Pavle and Mandić, Marko (2023) Between Securitization and Desecuritization: The Shifting Discourse on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Serbia. In: Disaster Construction and Reconstruction: Lessons from COVID -19 for Ethics, Politics and Law. Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 170-189. ISBN 978-86-7093-271-5
Mandić, Marko and Nedić, Pavle (2022) Uticaj unutrašnjih faktora na spoljnopolitičku orijentaciju malih država: slučaj Srbije. In: Geopolitički interesi velikih sila i strateška bezbednost malih država. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet bezbednosti i Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd, pp. 182-195. ISBN 978-86-80144-51-1