European Public Prosecutor as an impetus for further supranationalization of the European law and Politics

Dabić, Dragana (2024) European Public Prosecutor as an impetus for further supranationalization of the European law and Politics. In: El orden jurídico internacional ante las vicisitudes del siglo XXI. Tirant lo Blanch España, Valencia, pp. 943-963. ISBN 978-84-1056-954-6

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In this article the establishment and the operation of the centralized European prosecution authority is put in the political context of the revived integrative processes. Its mission is to investigate, prosecute, and bring to justice (before national courts of member states) perpetrators of crimes affecting the financial interests of the European Union. The complex sui generis institutional setting and the powers of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), that are essentially the product of the battle between contested agendas of supranationalism and intergovernmentalism, are analysed on the basis of legal texts, supplemented by general European studies literature. The aim is to determine, whether the new European prosecution authority is rightly considered to be a milestone in the process of centralization in the area of freedom, security and justice. The article concludes that there is room for the EPPO to evolve and adapt to changing political circumstances and emerging challenges in the realm of transnational criminal activities. Current institutional setup of the EPPO can undergo further expansion and adjustments so as to encompass additional “particularly serious crimes with a cross-border dimension”. Nevertheless, the issues of legitimacy over the additional conferral of powers to act in criminal matters to an EU body, should not be disregarded or overlooked.

Item Type: Book Chapter
Uncontrolled Keywords: European public prosecutor, the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), Chef European Prosecutor, EU criminal law, transnational crimes, European budget, supranational governance
Depositing User: Ana Vukićević
Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2025 10:20
Last Modified: 04 Feb 2025 10:20

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